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Few Tips about Android Application - Technology - Communication

Posted by Dinejo Tuesday, May 15, 2012 0 comments
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Android uses a customized Linux kernel and allows applications to be developed in Java technology using Java libraries but some of which were developed by Google for Android. While Android applications are written in the Java language, there's no Java Virtual Machine in the platform, and Java byte code is not executed.

Seeing as Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers provides both BiRT and TPTP it is the Eclipse package that you should download. Once you have mastered the beginning Android application development steps you will be able to complete analysis of heap dumps and profiling dumps to optimize Android application code. This method works for Mac, Linux, and MS Windows platforms.

If you favour to work in a unlike IDE, you do not need to install Eclipse or ADT, in its place, you can directly use the SDK tools to build and debug your application.

Youll find a number of links to sites that will be of grand use to you as you get to grips with the Android SDK and begin to work on creating your own applications for the platform. Information on how to develop applications, references, in-depth documentation and code snippets can all be found as you work your way through the various guides and tutorials.

Android applications can be developed using the same tools used to develop Java applications. Androids core libraries will provide you with the functions needed to build high quality rich mobile apps whilst providing you with development tools to make debugging, running and testing your applications a lot easier.

The developer toolbox module will walk you through how to write code that makes the most of the android systems features, allowing you to create custom components and really get to grips with the many APIs at your disposal.

To help you get started quickly, the Android SDK includes a variety of sample code and tutorials that illustrate key concepts and techniques of Android application development. For example, the samples show the structure of the manifest file and the use of activities, services, resources, intents, content providers, and permissions. They also show how to add specialized capabilities to your apps, such as Bluetooth and Contacts integration, multiple screens support, Live Wallpaper, and more.

The SDK sample code is available to you as a set of downloadable SDK components, each of which contains the samples for a specific Android platform version. Once you have installed the SDK, you can download one or more samples component(s) into your SDK environment using the Android SDK and AVD Manager Tool, which is pre-installed in the SDK. If you are not working in Eclipse, you can create a project for the API Demos sample using the android tool.

Android includes an embeddable browser built upon WebKit, the same open source browser engine powering the iPhone's Mobile Safari browser.

To spur innovation, Google sponsored two rounds of "Android Developer Challenges," where millions of dollars were given to top contest submissions. A few months after the G1, the Android Market was released, allowing users to browse and download applications directly to their phones. Over about 18 months, a new mobile platform entered the public arena.

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