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The Best Practices For Developing Android Mobile Applications

Posted by Dinejo Thursday, May 10, 2012 0 comments
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A platform for mobile device that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android Software development kit provides all the necessary API tools that help developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language.


Android is featured with a rich development environment, a rich application framework, a virtual machine optimized for mobile devices, an integrated browser with optimized graphics and other hardware dependent features like camera, GPS, compass, Bluetooth and wifi.


With the increase in the number of Android based smart phones, the number of applications in the Android market has shown a tremendous increase, this maybe because of the popularity of the OS, or the ease in usability or the intuitive UI of the application.

An Android mobile application is said to live in its own happy world;

Every Android mobile application runs in its own Linux Process, the process is initiated when any one of the code is triggered to be executed and this is turned off when the system no longer requires the code to be executed. Each Android mobile application process has its own Virtual machine, which means it has its own code which runs in isolation without affecting the code of any other application, thus providing the user to use multiple applications at a time on his Android smart phone.

By Providing an open development platform, Android provides the developers an opportunity to experiment and build highly creative applications, as the developers can take an advantage of the device hardwares, set alarms, add notifications and use the location services enabling them to experiment with the OS.The application architecture simplifies the reuse of components, a application can publish its capabilities and any application can make use of these capabilities. This also allows users to reuse their application components.


Developing applications for the mobile in itself is a challenge when compared to developing web pages and web applications for the typical desktop web browser.

For a developer to develop a successful android mobile application, it helps when he keeps in mind; to use a valid markup DOCTYPE which suits the mobile device, the proper use of a Viewport Meta data to resize the data along with a vertical layout which provides the user with a convenient usability option.

In order to come out with the best Android mobile application results the developer needs to follow a set of dos and donts as follows:


The android mobile application developers here at Payoda have understood the need of the hour after experiencing the intense competition and demand for android mobile applications in the market, and established itself with a few of the best android developers who have understood the basics of android mobile application development and have been successful endlessly resulting in partnership with a bunch of happy clients all over the globe.

We have been successful in creating custom application development for Android, which includes both office and business applications with video streaming facility. We have also proved ourselves in the stream of game application development along with social networking applications for android.

For more information, contact the Mobile Application Development experts at Payoda Technologies. You can find them online at , email them at , or call them at +1 (212) 400 7541

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